Exhibit features work from the Fetish Doll Project,
a childrens art project organized by Trent Alvey in Uganda in conjunction
with Asayos Wish Foundation. Also, work from Salt Lake artists with
a portion of the sale going to the foundation.
FETISH DOLLS: Art Objects made by children of
Asayos Wish Foundation, Uganda.
LOCAL ARTISTS: Trent Alvey, Susan Beck,
Justin Diggle, Jenevieve Hubbard. Lenka Konopasek,
Steven Larsen, John Sproul.
BERR BEADS: colorful necklaces, bracelets and
purses made by single Ugandan mothers to help support their children.
Proceeds from sales go to Asayos Wish Foundation in Kaberamaido,
Uganda: childrens art, 100%; Berr Beads, 80%, local artists work,
Thank you to the 15th Street Gallery.
